If a man is dissatisfied with the size of his penis, the solution to the problem is special exercises that can be done at home. Such exercises not only increase the length and diameter of the penis, but also increase erection. It should be understood that effectiveness is ensured only if you practice regularly and follow the technique of manipulations.
Experts ask you to be careful while doing such work and do not forget the safety rules. It is forbidden to apply excessive compression and stretching in order not to damage the genital organ.
Correct performance of certain exercises will help to fill the male genital organ. The effect can be enhanced by special tools and weights that pull the penis down. When exercising at home, men rarely use such devices.
Here are some tips for beginners. These include:
- avoid excessive stress on the body;
- lack of long-term compression of the penis and disruption of blood supply to the tissues;
- measured exercise (the first week, do exercises every day);
- stretching and gradual increase in load;
- adding new exercises after a month of training.
If a guy does gymnastics for the penis for the first time, the training time should not exceed 15 minutes. Then, increase the charging time to 30 minutes a day.
Before starting classes, it is recommended to consult a doctor to clarify the individual characteristics of the penis and adjust the exercises. One of the main rules is regularity and accuracy. Special care should be taken when working with the head.
Operating principle
When choosing a training method, a man should know what it is intended for. There are exercises to increase the thickness and length of the penis. Most often, they are aimed at increasing blood flow to the organ and stimulating the growth of the corpus cavernosum.
During erection, the normal size of the penis is considered to be 12-18 cm long and 2-5 cm thick. If the length of the penis does not exceed 8 cm in the state of excitement, doctors consider it pathological. If you have such a problem, it is recommended that you contact a professional for advice and to find a solution.
Preparation for training
The result of home exercises directly depends on how a person prepares the body. Penis enlargement exercises should begin with warming up the tissues. Penis warming allows you to:
- balancing blood pressure in the penis;
- avoid pain after exercise;
- increase blood supply to organs and strengthen pelvic muscles;
- reduce the risk of injury.
It is recommended to use light massage or water procedures to warm the penis.
Water procedures
Hot water helps a person to relax physically and psychologically. Before filling, it is recommended to sleep in the bath or take a special bath for the penis with a water temperature of no more than 43 degrees.

Duration of water procedures should be at least 10 minutes. A bath can be replaced by a hot shower. After that, you need to wipe the penis dry and apply lubricant. Lubrication is necessary to carry out manipulations to enlarge the penis.
Warming of the penis through massage should be done carefully so as not to damage it. You will need a towel and warm water for the massage. The warm-up technique is as follows:
- Roll the towel into a roll.
- Wet the towel with warm water.
- Wrap the roller around the penis.
- Start rubbing.

The duration of the massage should not exceed five minutes. The lesson is held 3 times with 2-minute intervals.A feature of the massage is that the head is open and not rubbed with a towel.
Types of training
Penis thickening exercises at home are safe and painless. However, they don't cost much and are extremely effective.
Among all methods of penis enlargement, the most effective methods are those that promote tissue elongation, cavernous body growth and increase its blood supply.
These methods will be effective only if all preparation rules are followed and regularity is ensured.
Stimulation of blood flow
Improving blood circulation in the penis leads to the following positive effects:
- improvement of erectile function;
- increase in diameter;
- prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system;
- preventing stagnation.
However, doctors note a number of disadvantages of this procedure. These include the appearance of hematomas, bruises and reduced sensitivity of the body. Such cases arise only when a man does not follow the rules of exercise. Often, a person puts too much pressure on the head, damaging the thin surface tissue.
Elongation of tissues
The exercise can be done only when the penis is at rest. This training is divided into three difficulty types:
- The man takes his head and carefully pulls it up, while counting to ten. Then move the head to the left and the same amount to the right for 10 seconds. The procedure is repeated twice a day for five minutes.
- The boy completely grasps the shaft of the penis and pulls it up. You should hold this position for 10 seconds and slowly return the penis to its original position. Manipulation should be done at least 10 times.
- The most difficult option is for the boy to hold the shaft of the penis with his left hand and his head with his right hand. In this case, the hands should be directed in opposite directions: the left hand pulls the base down, and the right hand pulls the head up. The body is fixed in a lying position for 10-15 seconds, 3 approaches. You should do at least five approaches a day.

When manipulating the genital organ, you should listen carefully to your feelings. If a person feels severe pain that does not stop, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The method involves achieving an erection, placing your feet shoulder-width apart and rhythmically tensing the muscle fibers of the perineum. At the same time, the penis, like a bell, begins to swing. The duration of the lesson is from 2 to 5 minutes.
Kegel exercises
The deep muscles of the perineum should be strained alternately for 5 minutes. In order to understand which muscles need to be tensed, the man is asked to stop the flow while urinating. The same should be done when doing Kegel exercises.
It is performed with a full erection. The man holds the base of the genital organ with his fingers and slowly moves his hand towards the head. The procedure ends after 7-10 minutes or when ejaculation is achieved.

Don't squeeze
To perform this technique, a special simulator that pinches the penis from the base during awakening is required. It is recommended to combine the manipulation with other methods.

Squatting, running and walking also help to improve the blood supply to the perineal organs, helping the man to achieve the desired results. Tantric sex helps to tighten the deep muscles of the pelvis and stimulate blood flow to the penis.
What to do after training
afterduring training, it is necessary to ensure complete rest of the penis, except for sexual intercourse for at least 3 hours.
To achieve a greater effect, doctors recommend following the following rules:
- Eliminate bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, which significantly harms sexual health.
- Do not get too cold.
- Avoid stressful situations and excessive physical activity.
- Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
- Preventing the development of blood stagnation (running, walking).
- Combine training with special tools (extension).
- Make love regularly to improve blood circulation.
If all the rules are followed, the man will see the desired result within 5-7 months. If you suspect damage to the penis, you should immediately contact a specialist to undergo diagnostic measures and a course of therapy.
Frequently asked questions
What exercises help to enlarge the penis?
There are several exercises that can help you enlarge your penis. One of them is stretching, during which you need to squeeze the penis and pull it in different directions. Another useful exercise is DESIRE, where you need to squeeze the muscles of the pelvic floor and hold them in a tense position for a few seconds.
Is it possible to enlarge the penis only with exercise?
Exercise may be helpful in strengthening the penile muscles and increasing blood flow to the area, but it may not increase the size of the penis. Penis size is determined by genetic factors and cannot be changed by exercise or other methods alone.
What other methods help to enlarge the penis?
Apart from exercise, there are other methods that can help you enlarge your penis. Some people resort to surgical methods such as penile surgery. However, these methods may come with certain risks and side effects. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before deciding on such methods.
Helpful tips
Tip #1
The main rule of penis enlargement is regular exercise. Try to find time to exercise at least 3-4 times a week. You can achieve results only with constant training.
Tip #2
One of the most effective ways to enlarge the penis is stretching exercises. Regular stretching will help to increase the flexibility and elasticity of the tissues, which in turn will help to increase the size. It is recommended to stretch before and after the main exercises.
Tip #3
In addition to stretching exercises, you should also include exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. This will help improve erection and ejaculation control. One of the most popular exercises is "kegels". Performing this exercise regularly will help improve blood circulation and increase the size of the penis.